Home remodeling and inaccurate estimates on public records can affect a property's value — and a potential buyer's interest in it. Let us give you a reliable calculation of property dimensions to determine a fair, unbiased value when acquiring a property, marketing a property to potential clients, or reducing property taxes.
A measurement service is just what it sounds like: Based on your requirements, an appraiser will measure the home's dimensions and square footage, then draw a basic or highly detailed floorplan. The appraiser's report and floorplan is a document that can be used to prove a precise Gross Living Area (GLA), the sum of all livable area, of your home. These services are useful and sometimes necessary when disputing property taxes or selling a property.
During a measurement or floorplan service, an appraiser measures your home with a measuring tool — generally a tape measure or laser measuring device. As they move around the home, they note the layout of the rooms and other features, like closets, patios, and fireplaces. They might sketch out the property. Then, the appraiser creates a report and detailed sketch showing the total living area of the house and the general layout. The resulting report is a document that can be used to prove certain details about your property — like the Gross Living Area (GLA) — on tax documentation, property listings, and more.
Tax records often reflect the wrong area of a property because the values can come from many sources, and occasionally go unverified — meaning you may be paying for more space than you actually own! Unless a certified appraiser has performed a recent valuation or home measurement service on your property (after any updating that might have affected square footage), you'll need one to perform a measurement service before contesting what you're taxed. An appraiser assesses an accurate Gross Living Area (GLA) of your property so your taxes reflect your actual square footage — and you can stop paying more than your property is worth.
A home floorplan service will secure fair market value for your house. Living space is one of the most important factors potential buyers look for when purchasing a house — but since square footage values are often approximated rather than properly measured, your home listing may show less Gross Living Area (GLA) than it can take credit for. An inaccurate GLA not only reduces the potential selling price for your property, but possibly even the amount of interested buyers. The only dependable method of using a definitive GLA when listing your property is to refer to a recent appraisal or measurement service carried out by a certified appraiser (after any updating that may have affected square footage).
To make sure that your client's property closes at a price that properly reflects true market value, we suggest asking for a home measurement of the property. Clients, and potential buyers, will be grateful for your thoroughness, and you can rest assured knowing the GLA on your client's listing is a true representation of their home. A floorplan can also be an excellent marketing tool for getting potential buyers interested since they can see the layout and characteristics of the home before and after touring. Contact us to learn more about our home measurement and floorplan services.
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